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Tokens + Docs + Code

Open source tools for design systems. Generate design tokens, code, and beautiful documentation from a rich, schema-based, source of truth.

This suite provides a collection of tools to enhance design system automation workflows. Track and visualize context-aware design decisions; integrate with your data and push to third-party systems. Generate code and beautiful documentation.

No strings attached: use as much, or as little, as you wish.

Capture Decisions

Define design decisions as data with relationships, context, and traceability.

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Sub-Atomic Control

More granular and abstract than tokens: capture the processes and parameters that generate color components and palettes, typographies, and scales.

All decision models


Support for context-based decisions: Color Schemes, Themes, Channels, Devices, Products, Experiments, …

Document Everything

Create interactive, visual documentation components for MDX-based sites.

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Generate code

Generate tokens as data, CSS, or type safe objects.

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