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type formatDecisionStatus = (
status: ProducedDecisionStatus,
show: ShowOptions[] = DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
) => string;

Given a produced decision status, as returned by produceDecisionStatus() returns a string with the decision status, value, details, and errors.

Return value



status: DecisionStatus

As returned by produceDecisionStatus().

show: ShowOptions[]

The following values are accepted:

  • status - a single column (colorful 🟩 or not -)
  • uuid
  • name
  • model
  • value
  • error-count

Additionally, the following two items - when provided in whatever order - determine how status and errors are displayed:

  • status-colors - print 🟩, 🟨, or 🟥 (when absent, prints -, ! or X instead)
  • error-details - when present, eventual errors are shown in full after each decision


Using the defaults options:

const store = await build();
const produced = produceDecisions(store);
produced.decisions().forEach(status =>;

Returns one decision per line, with nested value errors.

🟨 | Sizing Scale | space-scale/bounded | [0px, 0px, 0px, 0px, 0px, 0px] | 2 warnings
> 🟨 Ref (SpaceValue) {"$name":"Size Smallest"} not found.
> 🟨 Ref (SpaceValue) {"$name":"Brand Black"} matched "color-value".

Using formatDecisionStatus(status, ['status-colors', 'name', 'value'])

🟩 | Background Lightness Scale | [0.03, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.15]
🟩 | Brand Pink | #d35084
🟩 | Avatar Minimum Size | 50px
🟩 | Avatar Sizes | [50px, 100px, 150px, 200px]

See also