import { ShowDecisionCard } from '@noodlestan/designer-shows/astro';
Renders a card layout with the appropriate visualization according to the decision type, along with any decision details you might want to display.
By default it renders only the decision description and usage guidelines.
Used for buttons, links and navigation
- Link Foreground
- Action Background
- Action Foreground
- Action Border
- Navigation Item Background
Not For:
- Non-interactive elements
This component composes:
- ShowDecision component (value and visualization)
- inside of
(🚧 link) - and one or more Decision Attribute.
༶ DecisionProps: d
The mandatory prop d
serves to identify and retrieve the decision.
༶ DecisionProps: layout
The optional layout
prop controls the flow of items in set/scale decisions and the relative position of the value/viz pair.
The layout of the card adapts automatically to the layout of set/scale decisions in order to use the available space:
- card usescolumn
layout, rendering visualization first, then values.column
- card usesrow
layout, rendering visualization and details side by side.
<ShowDecisionCard d="Pink Palette" value={false} size="m" />
Wide range shades of Pink
- Icons
- Backgrounds
Not For:
- Typography
The layout of the card is otherwise unaffected by the layout prop if the decision produces a single value.
༶ ValueProps: value
This prop control whether the value should be shown and how to format it.
Refer to the table on Composable Types to learn which value
options are available for each decision type.
༶ VizProps: viz
, size
, and options
These props control whether the visualization should be shown, which specific visualization to show, and how to customize it.
In this example we are rendering a ColorValueDecision, hiding its value and increasing the size of the color swatch.
<ShowDecisionCard d="Action Color" value={false} size="l" />
Used for buttons, links and navigation
- Link Foreground
- Action Background
- Action Foreground
- Action Border
- Navigation Item Background
Not For:
- Non-interactive elements
Refer to the table on Composable Types for details on available visualizations and options.
༶ name
(true): boolean
Provide this flag to hide the decision’s name.
<ShowDecisionCard d="Space Unit" name={false} />
Base unit for space scales
༶ description
(true): boolean
Provide this flag to hide the decision’s description.
<ShowDecisionCard d="Action Color" description={false} />
- Link Foreground
- Action Background
- Action Foreground
- Action Border
- Navigation Item Background
Not For:
- Non-interactive elements
༶ usage
(true): boolean
Provide this flag to hide the decision usage guidelines.
<ShowDecisionCard d="Action Color" usage={false} />
༶ model
: (optional) boolean
༶ params
: (optional) boolean
Provide these flag to display the decision model and input params at the bottom of the card
<ShowDecisionCard d="Action Color" model params />
Used for buttons, links and navigation
- Link Foreground
- Action Background
- Action Foreground
- Action Border
- Navigation Item Background
Not For:
- Non-interactive elements
༶ contexts
: (optional) boolean
Provide this flag to display the decision’s contexts at the bottom of the card
<ShowDecisionCard d="Action Color" contexts />
Used for buttons, links and navigation
- Link Foreground
- Action Background
- Action Foreground
- Action Border
- Navigation Item Background
Not For:
- Non-interactive elements
༶ data
: (optional) boolean
Provide this flag to display the decision’s raw data at the bottom of the card
<ShowDecisionCard d="Action Color" data />
Used for buttons, links and navigation
- Link Foreground
- Action Background
- Action Foreground
- Action Border
- Navigation Item Background
Not For:
- Non-interactive elements